Looking at the blog I realized that the last time there was a post on this blog was all the way back in November. Add to that our lack of publishing lately and its no wonder people have been asking, Where has Healing Fireball Publishing gone? The answer to this question is that we are still around and I am plugging away at new material. I know that I posted on several forums that Healing Fireball Publications was back and that we had a site update and several products in the works and then we only published sporadically and the site has stayed the same. The truth is unfortunately the rest of my life has gotten in the way as I am preparing a manuscript about my research at work and it has been eating up my time.
Never fear, though, as the completion of this work draws to an end and whenever I have a moment I have been working on several new Just Add Dice projects and I still have several Two Bit Tables and other products lined up for when I have more time. The web page overhaul has been slow but I am working on it and hope to have it finished soon. As for the blog we are once again approaching the summer and the faire and con season. I hope to post more of our faire and con reports soon. I am also still trying to get my wife to post some descriptions of her trip to Ireland. Well, that is where we stand right now; we here at Healing Fireball Publishing would like to thank our fans for being patient with us.
~Chris Baldi The Healer~
~April 28, 2008~