As anyone who has followed this blog is aware a large part of what made my posting and publication schedule so sporadic is that I was in the final stages of work on my doctorate in molecular biology. Well I am proud to announce that I succeeded and am now Dr. Chris Baldi. However with the completion of this degree also came the end of my job as a researcher and I had to scramble to find new employment. After a month of unemployment I was finally able to get a post-doc position with a lab in Madison, Wisconsin. So this meant that I had to pack up our life, find a new apartment and move across the country in a very short time. So the last few months were spent in a hectic search for an apartment, a frenzy of packing and then an explosion of unpacking that we are still recovering from. However, the good news is that once I dig out from under my pile of junk and games I should have more time to devote to Healing Fireball Publications once again. Hopefully this means that my posts will become more regular. I would like to take this spot to thank all the fans and friends of Healing Fireball Publications for sticking with us and being patient through this last hectic year.
~Chris Baldi “The Healer”~
~October, 27, 2010~